
Stop Spam, Read Books

Catchy title huh,

We've all seen a "Captcha", which is a fancy word to describe the annoying "read this image and type in the word".

Re-Captcha is actually innovative. Many libraries are scanning books to archive them, and creating a OCR of the doc so that its searchable and e-book'able. OCR is not perfect, and older books use non-standard fonts and fuzzy printing. Re-Captcha is a potential solution.

Unlike most of the solutions which give you a string or word to type in Re-Captcha gives you two. One word it has a high confidence in what it is, and one word it has a low confidence about. When you type in both words, if you get the one right, there is a high probability that you got the other one right. If you take a low confidence word and give it to 50 people and they all give you the same response you just created a Human Based OCR.

Lastly, they provided a great way to hide your email ..

Click here to get my mail address ..


Stop Reading books, start sending spam :) .. Monkey's and Typewriters come to mind.

In all seriousness, it’s solving two problems in a single bound.

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